I like the green and want the purple a little brighter/more blue? It seems too maroon-ish. The U mark is cool incorpotating the 1. It does seem too large and far away The font for The One U is too plain.
Hello. The revision. Smaller "U" emblem. and more purple (blue purple). Just let me know if you need more. I'll do with my pleasure. thanks, tamhitam :D
Can you please, In entry #3 can you adjust the colors to entry #4 thicken the u part of the logo U make "the one u" purple and "catapupt your success" green
We would like you to take #29 and connect the logo, but leave it two colors. We want the right side of it thicker and to keep the shadowing you have around it in #4 Can you also Italicize the tageline "catapult your success" We love the colors and the combination
Can you take 63 and make the 1 in the u go down to the bottom of the curve like 61? Can you also use the font for the tagline the same as aomething like #84?