I like # 14 because of the freshness, the arrows in the letters showing "the way forward" and also that the cube now has more life, with the coloured smaller cubes "exploding". I also liked that that both the three letters and the full name of the association came forward.
I like # 10 because of its coolness and seriousness, but its more dull than the other, both color and especially the font.
# 17 is even better than 17 due to more logic in the arrows. I also like that the cube is standing more stable (flatter). Please change Norsk to Norges (we might change the wording)
Hi Trinova. I feel that you with your logo arrows have the most appealing font and directions. When I see the others who have a "wind" going around the cube - I like that. I also like the suggestions where the cube is a part of a stack bar if you understand what I mean with that.
That way we would add "dynamic" to it and also identity through our stacked bars that all researchers love!
Could you try to add these two elements and still make it clean? :-)
# 91 have solved the speed and cube very well, but I believe you have the better color- and creative use of arrows inside the letters. Maybe you could get some inspiration from #91?
Just an idea, since you are so clever re. the letter formatting. You already have the arrows that is very relevant for "us researchers". Is it possible to make the arrows in the letters more distinct and more "alive"?
A few updates, and I'm trying to rebranding the "MF" in #110 to convey the Market Association literally, since the Norges will automatically referring to Norway. Please let me know your feedback.
Hi Mr. Trinova As you might have seen, we have many of your variations on the top now. :-)
We like especially the NMF font in #27 and the arrows surrounding the cube in 110. We would like you to make a combination of these two.
Since the two arrows in the font goes in two directions in the logo, we were thinking of maybe making the arrows surround the cube also in two directions. Metaphorically this makes sense for us researchers (what goes up, must come down!" ;-)
We would alsl like you to experiment with more than three colours in the cube. We have nine sub-groups in our association and were hoping that each group could have its own colour - if its not too "messy"
And one last thing. The spelling of Norges Markedsanalyse forening needs to be Norges Markedsanalyse-forening (with a dash between markedsanalyse and forening to imply its one word)
Very good. This is all becoming better all the time.
The dash between markedsanalyse and forening was only ment if you were to break a line, it is one word. And I would like you to keep the sub-text with Norges large, and then markedsanalyse- forening on two different lines. (like you have on #27).
I am also wondering if the colours are interrupting with the smoothness?
Can you maybe try with only green in the cube and not the other colours?
And I would like to see the cube with only one arrow as well, pointing towards the name. Two arrows might be too much.
What do you personally think is the best? I am starting to trust your skills as a designer now you see! :-)
Sorry to bother you but I have one more comment. Actually I think that the cube itself is nice at # 27, since then it is very clear that it is a cube. Could you please play with some alternatives there as well? Where you see the cube clearly but still have the stacked bar - feeling?
While I am looking at the arrows on the cube, I realized they are not similar to the arrows between the letters. Should they not be treated as same, not to blend too many design elements? :-)
Updated and yes, some of the elements and colors have been distracted too much but they are only simply variations of a design, I can remove it or modified if needed and you can ask to combine it or try find the additional elements for the design.
Very good, thank you again. Last tweaks and I would like to see the following (final?) combination. The cube as # 146, the arrow as #111 and the subtext as in #27, but with a "dash" after markedsanalyse- No shadow in ANY of the arrows, neither in the cube nor in the NMF.
Could you also write "Ny innsikt" below the cube?
A question for further work. Could we get your help on other design elements on our web page at a later stage - after this tournament is over? How could that be arranged?
Updates submitted, yes I can help you for other design elements, web page, etc. and also for any further revisions of this logo to fits overall design. You can arrange that via email - after this tournament is over.
Hi Trinova. That was not our intention, but we objected to Trinova was being disqualified, and they spent way too long to decide to re-open his case. And in the end they reopened.
Tomorrow (wednesday) we will take the decision and I belive you are in good shape, not only because of your design, but also for your effort!