Thank you for your offer we really liked your design was just to concerned about waiting until so late in the contest, and have gone in another direction. Thank you so very much for your efforts on our behalf!
I am back from my trip. I have a revised design, however at this stage of the project only the first-ranked designer can submit anything new. You may have already decided to go in another direction.
Yes, we really prefer a colored border, and wanted to ask if the crown can be gold more than yellow, if you feel it goes with the look of the logo, but the pink border with the heart we like very much
#119 Added color to the eyes, playing with border. Okay, I am leaving now, but will check in over the next few days. I will not be able to submit any new designs until Sunday.
#118 Here's a new design using the other font. Also using a light warm gray for the puppy, and cooler gray for the kitten.
I'll be traveling through Sunday, but if my design is chosen please know that I will work tirelessly to make sure the final design is perfect!
Kind regards,
I am certain that with your guidance I can fine tune this design until it’s exactly what you are hoping for! I will be away from my design desk until Sunday but will continue to work on this until every little detail is perfect when I return. I may have time to do one more revision before I leave tomorrow.
Kind regards,
what about making the rest of border the pink portion, almost like a pale pink crayon look, or the outline of one of the pets in a soft crayon-ish looking outline with a bit of color, again, just making suggestions. We don't want to take away from what you have done so far.
So my partner thinks the pets need to pop a bit more, but I worry the black outlines make them to hard looking, and we lose the softness. Perhaps just the cat this gray softness, can you strengthen the puppy outline? Would it look werd to shade the eyes a light blue or green to make them pop and keep soft? Can you do the circle border in a different way,on this version, maybe not the double line a soft wispy circle, and is there any color you or way to make the pets stand out more without going back to black outline? Can we use this font in our name like #89 in circle, but with this font, not the paw print in the "o". If we can make the pup pop a bit more, perhaps we don't need the yellow backdrop? Just making a few suggestions....
Like the dog and cat with much softer colors in this one, can we formalize the font and the change the colos of the border, or make it a bit more sophisticated border?
Can we soften the coloring of the dog and cat, they have a great look, but hoped to soften a bit, and perhaps the logo name and tag line in other colors, pinks, like gray, gold, etc?
#16 Hi,
Here is my first proposal for your logo project. If you like this direction I will continue to further refine the design. Thank you in advance for your consideration and feedback!
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Kind regards,
I am back from my trip. I have a revised design, however at this stage of the project only the first-ranked designer can submit anything new. You may have already decided to go in another direction.
I'll be traveling through Sunday, but if my design is chosen please know that I will work tirelessly to make sure the final design is perfect!
Kind regards,
Kind regards,
Here's a new layout with a different font. Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Here is my first proposal for your logo project. If you like this direction I will continue to further refine the design. Thank you in advance for your consideration and feedback!