We are still trying to figure out a way to incorporate sports and entertainment equipment into your design. We didn’t like it inside of the head but just having a hard time seeing other options but we like the idea of the head to signify our mental work. Any suggestions??
Of course! Please check. I've uploaded some new designs. If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank You!
I didn’t mean literally use the statement the fact that we work with athletes and entertainers. I was hoping you could graphically show that we work with athletes and entertainers for example maybe some sports equipment, microphone, theater masks etc.
Also maybe change the tag line to Therapeutic and mental performance services.
Is it possible to somehow incorporate the fact that we work with athletes and entertainers? Also what would it look like to font type and gradient from your logo #62 (the one with TNL on the left side in blue in rectangle box) and the broken E’s from #13 (purple and yellow) and instead of THE being in yellow having NEXT in Yellow.
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Do you have any updates/next steps?
If you have any questions, requests and other updates please let me know. I will do it.
Thank You
Of course! Please check. I've uploaded some new designs. If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank You!
Also maybe change the tag line to Therapeutic and mental performance services.