my logo is simple and elegant. i did not incorporate great details so that it will be memorable, easily recognized and also work out when it needs to be presented in a small size. the bold and rigid font communicates stability and safety while the gradient in the back of the window exudes tranquility and peace. i hope you like it!
Hi Dodi from Berlin! Thanks for entering this contest with your beautiful, and simple work that does make a great statement. I like it alot. I like that you have tapped into an very strong aspect of us and created your own strong statement. Well done! I am ranking your work and we will hold onto it for everyone to see and select from.
thanks for the comment! I have changed the writing to a bit more archy-shaped font, so there is more resemblance to the pictoral element. i have tried out all colors (blus, green and purple) and i thought that purple worked best with the name. in case you want to see a sample with another color, just let me know. i have also picked up the seed in my logo. what do you think?