The NEONLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / The NEON The NEON has selected their winning logo design. For $475 they received 352 designs from 43 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by sigode Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. 1st 2nd 3rd 7 4th 1 5th 6th 3 New 2 New 1 New New New 1 New New New 1 New New New New 1 New 1 New New New Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Comment Activity sigode commented on #350 #341 revision 7 years ago sigode commented on #349 #342 revision. Thank you. 7 years ago SNHBA commented on #341 This one is really close also. Lets add the coral color to the letters. For another version, also connect all the bubbles. That might look neat and would make a sign easier to build. 7 years ago SNHBA commented on #342 #348 has what I am looking for on the E/O/N 7 years ago SNHBA commented on #342 E/O/N fade off the page-please make the text have a black stroke 7 years ago SNHBA commented on #342 This is almost perfect- can you put "The" into one bubble 7 years ago sigode commented on #208 Thank you. ASAP 7 years ago SNHBA commented on #208 Lets also try making the word "the" have its own 3 circles and start the fade with the darkest color and go to lightest. Try the letters in the coral color and the bubbles will all be different, going from darkest to lightest. 7 years ago SNHBA commented on #302 Great! 7 years ago sigode commented on #303 Sherwin-Williams colours. Thank you. 7 years ago sigode commented on #208 Ok. Thank you. 7 years ago SNHBA commented on #208 Can you make the colors: Sherwin Williams 9060 Connor's Lakefront 9059 Silken Peacock 9057 Aquataine 9055 Billowy Breeze 9054 Little Boy Blu 7 years ago sigode commented on #300 How about this? Please let me know. Thank you. 7 years ago sigode commented on #208 Thank you. I'll revise it ASAP 7 years ago sigode commented on #136 Thank you. Sure, I'll revise it ASAP 7 years ago SNHBA commented on #136 I really like the fade Can you try the fade with no black and all green/blue fading to white? 7 years ago SNHBA commented on #208 The color of the building will be a fade so I like the fade within the circles 7 years ago SNHBA commented on #208 Let's try this in a few different versions Circles and bubbles are the theme of the fencing so I really like this. 7 years ago
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For another version, also connect all the bubbles. That might look neat and would make a sign easier to build.
Sherwin Williams
9060 Connor's Lakefront
9059 Silken Peacock
9057 Aquataine
9055 Billowy Breeze
9054 Little Boy Blu
Can you try the fade with no black and all green/blue fading to white?
Circles and bubbles are the theme of the fencing so I really like this.