1.what's missing is the sense of faces instead of hands 2.you can use many more than 5 people connecting, reaching out, relating some way 3. I like using different colors but not such bold ones. a little arty...
IdeazDen: #61 is my favorite of yours. Nice design and powerful.
1. Tagline should read, "So, Whose Story are You Telling? 2. Please add one or more colors that don't contrast too much so it doesn't feel like there are too many colors. (#46 is a bit more like a rainbow than what I'm envisioning). 3.Could you make your dots give the sense of a group of people relating to one another? 4. Add more people so we have the sense of diversity
Do check #80 and #81 where i have added more colors and more people as suggested by you. I have also made the circles to look more like a persons head.
#81 1.We want to get the idea that this is a diverse group so instead of just blues and greens, see how else you might use color or else do black and white and create diversity some other way.