Thank you for your designs. I really like #25-28. I like the scissors but in #27&28 they look more like X instead of Y. #25&26 are a little better but I'm wondering if it could either be a closed scissors to look more like a Y or used in one of the X's instead. #29 is cool too. I like having a big M in there. But it doesn't really say salon/barber when I look at it.
Thank you for your updates! I really like #39! Can we play with color maybe? Instead of blue maybe silver or red or something? Could "the" be a little smaller maybe?
I'm starting to like these more! I like the barber pole in #43 but I think the size and placement make it look like the word might be Myxxi instead of Myxx. Can the pole maybe take the place of the i in studios?
Thank you for the udates! I think I like #55 the best and then #53! And thank you for trying to work with my little monogram thing.....not sure if I'm liking the idea yet....but it's just something I was fooling around with. Maybe I'm getting a little crazy haha!
Hi Edy, I personally like your monogram idea so i tried to implement your sketches, the letters in your company name have great change for a monogram and i am sure you knew it. Maybe i just not there yet to form this idea into a good design:D. Also, please check update for 70: #82
Can #55 be done in the same size as #42 and the scissors be a little smaller, maybe even same size as the other letters or closer to it? And is it possible to do this design as an opposite, with white backround?
Thank you Medi. #69 is speaking to me right now. Can you play around with that monogram a little? Can you maybe shorten the v in the Y portion and open up a little more space between the two points that come up in the top middle? I'm liking the monogram...just not quite loving it yet
For #41 and #111 could you also try a version without the scissors and barber pole please. I think I might be changing my mind about having those in the logo....sorry! Maybe you can add something else to give it a little more edge.
Sorry I was out of town the last couple of days so didn't get a chance to communicate. Are you still open to feedback and/or making changes?? Please let me know!