for #13 I like this. Not sure about the orange, maybe another color (maybe grey, purple, red..). If the word Myxx could be more bold or stand out more somehow.
Hi there, I am still loving #16 but it was brought to my attention by some of my friends and I agree that the two X's are hard to distinguish. Is there a way to make them so it's easier to read as Myxx? I think the X's are actually better in #13. Also could you try the M in a different color? Maybe a silver or Red? Or maybe silver sheers?
Yes I can make adjustments and try different colors...I teach Tuesday nights so will get to this tomorrow... thanks - glad you still like this - we suggest if we use gradients that we do a version with solid colors as well.
I really like the shears and X's better now on #74 & 75. And thank you for trying to add the barber pole...but I think for this design it's actually better without. Can you make "myxx" all black and maybe "studios" in red? But maybe a different shade of red...maybe a deeper red kinda like the one in #14. Or even just all black.
I have to apologize because now I feel like I'm not wanting scissors in my logo.....just a really cool font. I like the black/white/silver/red colors you've got. Any cool ideas? Sorry and thank you!!