Hello! I really like what you have created! Can you perhaps change the downtown to a darker grey or black? I just want to see what that would look like...
Wow! Thank you so much! These look great! Question, can you do entry #9 w/ the MAIN in purple?
Can you do just one more w/ the same update (MAIN in purple) and then add Downtown Los Angeles. I want to see what Los Angeles looks like w/ the logo, or if I should go w/o Los Angeles. Perhaps, you could give me your opinion on this...
Hi! These look great! I really like entry #17. But I realize I haven't been clear. You have the right idea of putting the barre with the M, but rather than spelling out "Barre" can you put a strikethrough line or a symbol around the M or on the M that symbolizes a ballet barre? Sorry I was clear. If you could do one w/ downtown Los Angeles and one that says just downtown that would be great!
Now I see that you wrote in "Contest Discussion".. please write under my proposals, because I do not see comments in "Contest Discussion"! and so some designers have seen your coment and copied my idea, and now they are on top... here are the options, you want... #114 #115 #116 #117 #118 #119 #120 #121