I am sorry for the confusion on the colors, here is a hexadecimal color code for what I am looking for: 003e51. This is the same color as the rest of our logo.
Hi Hamasa, I like this one a lot. I circled the two arrows or those lines on both sides of the "Circle of Leaders" can you make those two lines the aquamarine color rather than red?
Hi Hamasa. We really like this design. Could we ask for modifications? 1. Remove "THE" and center the word LYCEUM, but can you incorporate our actual logo's version of LYCEUM in our Logo aquamarine blue color [Hexadecimal Color# 003e51]. Then have the laurels remain in the same place as you have them. With the Circle of Leaders line keep the color of the arrows next to the words but change "Circle of Leaders" to our amaranth red [[Hexadecimal Color# d01f2e]
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once again many thanks for your message