I prefer this design over your other because the other reminded me of a college logo.
The main issue I have with both logos is that the architectural feature you are including in your design is no longer in the plans for the building. That is why I emphasized the fact that designers need to look at the attached file photo of the condos with the grey roof. Not the photo of the red roof that is on our site.
Now I really wish we kept that architectural feature. :)
Thank you! Please keep submitting. I am asking them to extend this past today since it's a holiday weekend.
Sorry about including the belfry feature - the pic isn't very high resolution and I didn't notice the belfry was missing. #109 - a wider angle view including the seven dormer windows. I can't quite see what the main entrance looks like in the pic, so if you like this design I would need a better resolution pic to complete the entrance.
I like the design of the building the best. Can we make the sky take up less room. Try variations of the design? I am not crazy about the shape the building sits in.
As we near the end of the contest, please keep in mind I am only ranking these according to MY taste. I will then need the vote of four others in my company to make the final decision - so my 1st choice may not end up being theirs. So please keep submitting unique designs.
I have produced some variations of #109, but as I am not now one of the top 5 designers I cannot submit them. If you would like to see these designs please rearrange the ranking so that I am one of the top 5.
#289, #290 & #291 - designs with a double headed eagle and shield. I think the area around the bottom of the shield and swirls could be improved. Could also make the swirls more like heraldic acanthus.
I don't see my feedback that I gave you. Did you not receive it?
I had written that I really like the direction you are going in.
I like the shape of the shield.
I like the way you have made the 'wings' a little abstract rather than actual feathers. As well as the birds' faces. We have to be careful not to make it look like a biker club or beer label. I think the way you're handling the design does that. (Meaning - it doesn't look like a biker or beer club). Overall, I feel you have a very classy touch when it comes to designing.
I am attracted to the little black 'things' in the original arms. (I have posted a link to the shield and flag that show close-ups). Is there any way to use that somehow in a design? Even in a totally different design? How about the Tartan or the colors of the Tartan.
The owners are looking for the logo to be very blue blood country club-like.
Please offer more variations of all the 'inspirations' I have given you. We really hope to find something that works this time!!
Thanks for the latest feedback. The other feedback you mention must have got lost somewhere and I didn't get it. The little black 'things' come from ermine fur - a luxury white fur which has little black bits in it and denoted high status. I'll have a think about a way to use it (and the tartan).
Well, being from England, it doesn't surprise me that you would know what those little 'things' represent. So is that what all the kings, queens wear? Never really thought about it. I have learned something new. Thank you!
I just know there has to be something that can come from the history of "Loudonville". Loudoun. Somewhere! LOL!
I had to move you out of 1st because everyone started going bird crazy.
Exactly why I didn't want to rank.
I wish we could rank individual designers' logos first.
I should recommend that. I think that is part of the reason this has been a difficult contest. I did our parent company logo using logotournament and did not have such issues.
I removed you and the others from the ranking because once again the Pied Piper effect (as I call it) is happening. I suddenly had a flock of birds because I slid your logo into the #1 spot.
So I will stick to individually commenting until the entry portion is over.
Thank you for your entries!! Please keep them coming.
So far, you are the favorite for 2 out of the 5 votes at our office. Others still need to see them.
Will you please try replacing the pointy crown with the softer, George Washington type crown? I am sure there is a proper name for that crown. Sorry, no time for Crown History google lessons. :)
And could you please try a toned down version for the voter who prefers the one that looks like the Cadillac symbol?
I'm sorry. The one by Night Owl - #391. Not your design. You and #391 (the one that looks like the Cadillac Car Emblem to me) are splitting the #1 votes.
Some of the bosses like that one best because it's not as busy.
That's why I am suggesting trying a simplified version of yours to make it more appealing to them.
Oooo! Of course, I like the one with the Ermine Fur Symbol! I like the muted colors a lot.
I wonder what the others will think.
Some are thinking it's too royal but the people moving into these condos are moving there so they can keep the Loudonville Zip Code. I can do a press release about the history of the logo. They will eat it up! I most people don't even know the history of Loudonville. Mixed with George! They will love it!
I personally love the way the logo sits now above the name. but can you play around with the location of the symbol? See how the logo from the other designer sits down in the name and is smaller? My boss likes his font, too. I don't want you to use his font, but perhaps another one that's more script. Personally, I think it will be too much but I want to show them that option.
He actually said "Can we take this crest and use it with that font?" so giving him a similar option may work. How about the font you used for "The". That's very pretty and isn't as modern looking as the other designer's font.
If I had to choose right now, i would pick 405 but because it looks complete. But I think I will like 407 colors better. Love that blue and blue-green together.
I am very sorry to inform you that your design was not chosen. It came in a close second. I am really sorry. I know how hard you worked on it and I hope someone else is able to use it for their logo!