I have asked for the contest to be extended hoping to get some fresh designs. I truly appreciate all the work that goes into designing the logos but we are looking for something more unique to the Loudon House.
If you are still interested in participating, please take a look at my updated brief.
Can you please try 430 with these changes Script font for the name Without extra scrolling on top and one with just less scrolling.
Colors: 401, 402 look dirty. Greyish?
How about trying completely new colors and get away from the blue, gold and red? I don't care so much that they are true to 'history' - just using it for inspiration is enough of a connection. It's all about the logo in the end. LOL!
437 is probably a good one to try with different colors and a script font.
I personally think the original design is the most balanced and looks great but the others voting tend to like the simpler designs so I am trying to make it more appealing to them as well. And what about a different font for the L and H in the shield. Something more modern. I know we are drawing off history but we need to stay modern.
I regret to inform you that we did not choose your logo although the contest was tight in the end. I really think you have a great logo that hopefully can be tweaked and used for another company.