51/52/50: Like the root concept underneath tree, however would like to see it more simplified as the intricacy may get lost when on a sign or printing (specific to the root). Can you also re-work the text of "The Lone Oak at Pinnacle" and possibly re-format to make it a little more modern. 54: Love the simplicity of the design, however not a big fan of the oak leaves.
Scott, I love the new tree and root. 92 and 93 are my favorite. Is there anything else we can do with the font. I think I like lines on the side. It looks very professional and modern, but a bit too professional??? What other options of fonts do you have for that oak tree with root?
Follow-up regarding the Lone Oak logo, it's been a wee bit and wonder what the status is for the project and if you require any additional modifications. Please keep in mind we can make changes even after you finalize the contest.