Oh, sorry Keven. I read the name as Kevin because I made it in the late hours and I was some sleepy :) I edited the name. I'm so glad you like it :) Thanks!
The logo is great!!! I can't think of anything to change there... it is bold, clean and simple. If you think of any other ways to enhance it even more (Luxury, Quality, Confidence), give it a shot. :)
However, we are mostly sold on framing the name of the firm as done in #82.
To be honest, I'm not sure what much you can do bc #119 is awesome and many people have said so. The top 5 are pretty much neck in neck. The edge is probably going with #103 because of the slim/sleak lines that gives a sharper finish than the bulkier options (that what 2 people have said so far). However, I like the heavier/bulkier look. But this is extremely difficult so I'm letting others assist in this decision. If there is anything else you can do to allow it to scream Luxury, Quality & Confidence, give it a shot.
What do you think of my color preferences (Blue and Gold)? Do you think they scream Luxury, Quality & Confidence?
Yes, definitely Gold and dark blue palette makes everyone trusted. It's a good combination for a law company. I made the symbol more slim. And I will going to keep trying other options. Thanks for your valuable comment!
:-) Great job but I am horrible at making this final decision. If I like the design, I place it in the top 7 or 8 and let the team move them up or down. So far, #'s 175 and 192 are neck in neck as the team members are torn between the two. They like the simplicity yet boldness of #175 and the creativity using shapes and lines in #192. #'s 184 and and 185 are also favorites...with some preferring either 185 or 184 over 175 and 192 because of how clean and professional they both look. I was hoping to have a logo that was head and shoulders above the rest to be able to make a decision yesterday. You all just make it so difficult.