What we like: #23 : The tree, though we feel it is a little busy. Can we try this but keeping the I in Imaginarium as an I (without branches) and without the wave at the bottom? We'd be interested to see how else we can simplify the tree.
#24 We love how you applied the symbol onto the 2nd I in Imaginarium. Totally worth exploring further for the revised #23.
#25 we like the font and word placement! can we see this applied to #23?
We prefer if primary colors are applied to the symbol and then the font a black or gray type of color.
#20 font and word placement is really pretty! Can we see this with the 'Imaginarium' following lower and uppercase letters respectively? Versions of this would be helpful to see what it would look like to maintain THE and SCHOOL as being all uppercase or not. The bulb is quite smart and simple! Though we aren't sure about the star. As for color, we really prefer nondescript colors for the word Imaginarium. We can see what color looks like on the words The and School. We prefer primary colors.
#27 we like the simplicity and straightforwardness of this one. Same comments go though: we prefer the font to be in a gray / black color, using upper/lower case letters and then incorporate primary colors
Great to see your revisions! We love how you listened to our comments and communicate the look and feel that we are going for. We couldn't help but rank 3 of your submissions.
34: we like this but the color combo hasn't hit the spot for us- maybe lacking in excitement and fun? a little too bland? can we try variations of this, an option might be like the dark and lighter blue combo in 33? others you can come up with would be very much appreciated.
27: as mentioned before we like the color combo, but can we see this using upper and lowercase text accordingly? Can we also see the bulb accent in the 1st or 2nd I instead of on the G?
25: we really like the styling and placement of the text. instead of a cloud, can we try a different symbol and apply the primary colors? somewhat like 31, but less intricate- more solid objects.
We like the look of the dark and light blue combo, though please don't be limited by this. The tree in 32 is very appealing, though what can be done to add a little more oomf? Maybe some red or green? We leave that to you to decide but would certainly like to see more from you.
We like 31 as well because of the symbol you chose. I think the one thing we'd like to see is a logo that is less intricate, more solid. We are worried about moving this logo to fabric. We want the entire logo to stand out, and not have to work out any small details.