#33 entry nice design. can you make the font a simple cursive - the hunts. Can I see the tree with a few birds or a swallow/bird next to- the hunts? Please submit more. Thx
entry #39 and #38 really like your style a lot! We uploaded a sketch of an idea we came up with today on the contest brief page. Want to take a look at it and try something along those lines? Thanks. Looking great!
Entry #39 Nice work! Please make - the hunts- very legible(still in cursive) for new viewers. Use all lower case letters. (we love all lower case lettering and cursive). Can we make the tree a little fuller or less dark...maybe offer me some other shades of coloring. Thx
#53 love the coloring on this. It looks great! #54 Looks very good. Can you slightly bring -the hunts- away from sitting on the line and have the lettering slightly more clear? #39 Nice! Please give me the lower case lettering and offer me the shading of colors with the fuller tree. Thx.
#66 and #53 Looks nice! We need them to look a little more happy...less cold feeling.... either by filling out the branches on the tree or adding more birds or some slight color. thanks for your work!
You are a very talented artist. We love your work and have loved looking at each one of your submissions. You have a gift for unique creativity. Thank you for all your hard work. It's difficult to choose just one logo and one winner. Best wishes. The Hunts