Okay. We would like to see “Burgers Beer” on top and “Salads Shakes” on bottom with the stars NOT centered. We think you are correct in that it’s more important for the spacing between all the letters (both top and bottom) to be as similar as possible.
We would also like to see it with a dot separating the words AND another one with nothing separating the words except a space.
Actually, hold off on any changes. While we have to have it Burgers (not burger), we are trying to decide if we want to keep the stars centered. Will let you know soon
It looks great, but we have to have it Burgers Beer NOT Burger Beers
Keep the stars centered and just play with the spacing of “Burgers Beer” to make it look as good/even as possible! We understand that since there are a different number of letters in the words they can’t be exactly line up. But do the best you can while keeping the stars where they are. Thanks! We are almost there!
Sorry for the confusion, but I was hoping to get the star on the top and the star on the bottom to be centered and lined up with on another, not to add an additional star. Hope that makes sense.
Also, we would like the spacing between the letter on the top (above The Hub) and the spacing between the letters on the bottom (below The Hub) to look more even. Right now, Shakes and Beer look more stretched out than Burgers and Salads. We realize that is because there are more letters in Burgers Salads than Shakes Beer. In order to make it even, we would like to see Burgers Beer on top and Salads Shakes on the bottom. Again with the stars that separate Burgers Beer and Salads Shakes centered and lined up with one another.
Thanks. We love the logo and can't wait to get it finalized by getting it just right!
I like this one. Clean and simple. Add a little design flare under the feet of the cow... not sure what. Also, put a "star" instead of a period in between burgers-salads and then again on shakes and beer
Looking good. try to pump up/increase size of the "Burgers*Salads" so it bigger. try the color orange / or burnt red for the "burgers....beers" words. thanks
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We would also like to see it with a dot separating the words AND another one with nothing separating the words except a space.
Hopefully one of these three will be the one!
Keep the stars centered and just play with the spacing of “Burgers Beer” to make it look as good/even as possible! We understand that since there are a different number of letters in the words they can’t be exactly line up. But do the best you can while keeping the stars where they are. Thanks! We are almost there!
so that the stars are centered the best way is this
eliminate the "s" in burgers and incorporate an "s" in beer
tell me if you like it like that.
to not stretch more "beer" than "burger" you can not have the star centered #153
Sorry for the confusion, but I was hoping to get the star on the top and the star on the bottom to be centered and lined up with on another, not to add an additional star. Hope that makes sense.
Also, we would like the spacing between the letter on the top (above The Hub) and the spacing between the letters on the bottom (below The Hub) to look more even. Right now, Shakes and Beer look more stretched out than Burgers and Salads. We realize that is because there are more letters in Burgers Salads than Shakes Beer. In order to make it even, we would like to see Burgers Beer on top and Salads Shakes on the bottom. Again with the stars that separate Burgers Beer and Salads Shakes centered and lined up with one another.
Thanks. We love the logo and can't wait to get it finalized by getting it just right!