With this design I have aimed to capture the image you require from this logo. Competence, security, experience, trustworthiness. The red/silver gray color scheme gives a sense of authority and relates to the fire safety aspect, as well as human safety.
A bolder treatment to the HS in the shield. The stylized H & S and brushed silver color shield gives a sense of style which sits well with hospitality industries.
So you've got something to compare here is a version with a pure red and a two-tone treatment to the shadow on the shield, which relates to the HS colors. You might prefer the richer, deeper red of #59 but this will give you a comparison.
If you are likely to be using the logo on uniforms this design will translate well - the silver/gray shield will become a flat color for that version. Other than that there are no shadows or overly complex elements, just solid shapes which embroider for uniforms or cut from vinyl for vehicle signage perfectly.