On #38, can you move "advantage" up to the top line & have "team" stand alone on the 2nd line? Also, please remove the word "The" I think it would be good if they were reading "Home Buyer Advantage" on one line.
hi bryk... thanks for your ranking and your feedback I sent some variation with your suggestions.... please don't mind to ask me about any change bests f
On entry #44, can you put 3 houses on it like you did for #48, but leave the silver color on the houses. We want to compare the 3 houses vs the 2. This design looks great. We like the sun behind the house because we're in Phoenix Arizona.
hi... thanks for your feedback... here the variation that you asked for... I sent also two variations with 3 houses and silver color (with and without the sun "inside" the houses bests f
#49 is our favorite by far right now. Our only concern is that the words "team" and "welcome home realty" is sort of small & hard to read. Is there anyway to bump up the font, or make the words stick out more?
hi... I sent some variations with different options, specially remarking more the word "team" but without being the most important.... also just comment to you that due that the background is red and LT reduces the quality of the images sometimes the logo seems more fuzzy that it is really (it happens specially with reds).... also I'll send a black and white version just to show you that the logo also works in black&white (sometimes is necessary to use just one tint) bests f
OK. I think we know what we want. Take #52, spread out "welcome home realty" across the entire line like in #55. Then move the single straight line from underneath "Home Buyer Advantage" and place it underneath "team."