I thought it would be cool to have the theater itself as the logo done in an art deco style. I found a photo of the theater online that I used as a reference. I think the image is fresh and exciting. I also used an art deco font to compliment the imagery.
I thought it would be interesting to have the theater in the logo. I looked it up online for reference and then put an art deco twist on it. I also used an art deco font to compliment the imagery. I feel that using gradients added a dynamic element to the project
Very interesting concept. You would need to modify the color palette...the one used here is a better match for our old site rather than the new one we referenced which is in process.
I think it may be overly complicated, too. Any way to simplify, but keep the idea?
Also, just to let you know, I tried to rank your design as #1, but was presented with a message that said you were too new to be ranked as #1...that it is a security measure to protect us against copyright infringement or potential original design issues. I think I'd be complaining about that if I were you.
Thanks for modifying the color palette to match our new choices in #14. One thing that concerns me is the size of the text. Readability of the full theater name is one of the major issues we have with the old logo.
I have sent a request to have your account "approved" so we can set you to the first position.