When you provide files, can you also indicate the font and colour specs. Plus, I like the greyscale version as well if you're able to throw that in too.
Hi Bison1,
after see and review all the variation, in my opinion I will choose the heavy line. Because, it give the explicit if we talk about the leadership. Also the all green word mark, the reason is for easiness to recognise and remembered.
All is back to you. but you can get both the heavy and the light line. and the greyscale version too.
OK, am having a bit of a hard time choosing the "one"... The tag line is throwing me off, so am wondering if you can suggest a place holder idea (as in where it is in this one #80 or one of the others). Tag line will also likely change, so 'ipsum lorum' could also work.
Am indecisive about the heavy vs. light line, as well as the all green word mark vs. two colour. Also like the movability of the ball, and your greyscale version.
Brill - wondering if you can try a version with a heavier top and bottom line; green road words all one colour; maybe stretch the tag line to the complete width (including icon); plus a small "tm" superscript after the "D". thanks
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Yes sure, it will send to your email.
When you provide files, can you also indicate the font and colour specs. Plus, I like the greyscale version as well if you're able to throw that in too.
after see and review all the variation, in my opinion I will choose the heavy line. Because, it give the explicit if we talk about the leadership. Also the all green word mark, the reason is for easiness to recognise and remembered.
All is back to you. but you can get both the heavy and the light line. and the greyscale version too.
Am indecisive about the heavy vs. light line, as well as the all green word mark vs. two colour. Also like the movability of the ball, and your greyscale version.
Which one would you choose?
Sure will provide the revision now