This is brilliant! Before I select it as the official "winner", can you verify that it will also be available in black and white for certain printing purposes?
I think the last request I have is if you can put a tortoise silhouette in left below the house - maybe in the circled area. He doesn't have to be too big - it would just be a great add.
After seeing all the shades of green, I think I like this one the best. Can you make the corners of the house the same as in #102? The only other thing I can think of that may be cool to see would be a small plant or two in front of the house. Otherwise I think we are close to done.
The sides of the house now look perfect! I don't love any of the new green shades though. Do you have something that is more of a Forest or Kelley Green? Maybe similar to the trees? That may not look good, but it feel like just a few shades darker would be good. Thank you so much!
This and 87 are both great! Two small things. First, can we go just a shade or two darker green on the lower circle? It looks a little lime in contrast. Second, that blue in the circled areas feels kind of odd with the horizon line. Any ideas on how to blur or fix that?
hi sir , i made the changes you asking for , you can now check the entries #79#80#81#82#83 .... hope you ll like it :) , waiting for feedback , REGARDS
LOVE this one! Two things though - can we change the font to what #53 has? Also, I'm wondering what this would look like in grey scale if I ever need to print it that way. I want the colored one to be primary, but just want to make sure it translates well to black and white.
This is super cool! Love the goose in the sky! There are three small changes. I'm not a fan of this font - I prefer it to be more unique. Secondly, the pine trees I want to see are "Long Leaf Pines". Its a different look than these. Lastly, that looks more like an elk than a deer. We don't see elk here, just deer. Great work!!!
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