hi Lilia, thank you so much for these beautiful submissions. #29 in particular does a such a sweet job of capturing our vibe. it reads as a group of women (our community) all sitting together in lotus pose (mindfulness), but accomplishes the tough task of not looking like something we've seen before. bravo. our challenge right now, across our re-brand effort, is to find a color palette that better captures the sense of strength and celebration that is our mission to imbue with our women. while we have lived in the pastel zone since our inception, we're not sure it stills fits. Any suggestions?
#s 29, 61 & 63 are standing out right now. wondering about a few more color alterations and whether we can try to simplify the design just a little. some feedback we've gotten is that it takes too long to figure out what you're looking at. some ideas are; perhaps removing or lightening the center diamond, making the "head" the same color as the "body" and/or simplifying the four "body" shapes. however, we have NOT decided whether we prefer all the bodies in the same color or four different colors. so...
color variations: #29 - could we see this one making all the bodies the that lavender/grey color? #61 - could you make the purple color closer to the lightest gradation of #69, more in the bright pink (fuschia?) zone? and could we see that with the grey font? #63 - still feeling drawn to the four different colors, could we see a different palette, perhaps incorporating the fuschia?
REALLY liking #126. i think making the heads the same color makes all the difference in terms of more quickly identifying them as "women." and #131 is such an interesting take on the lotus. it is almost approaching a butterfly signifying transformation. very creative!
we are still feeling very challenged with the color. the lavender & grey combo of #126 is great and reflects one direction, but the color combo of #131 is also very compelling to us as it has a bit more energy and vibrancy to it.
could we see #126 with the #131 colors AND adding the "little feet" back? they really helped the image look like a seated pose.
oh, i just saw your new images. wow! you must really love what you do. thank you for these, Lilia. talking to team about them now.
yes same colors. sure but in djujing only the 1st ranked can upload so you can rerank designers temporary if you need a revivions from them :) regards: Lilia
#147 - could we see this one with all the bodies in fuschia and slightly adjusting the font of the top line of text so that it is shorter in length than "LIVING BEAUTY." #147 - could we see all the bodies in fuschia, adjusted font sizing, AND the font in a green similar to the green in the logo i uploaded for reference?