I really like your designs, however, I'm not sure I like the fire and dove direction. We want a design that is bold, urgent, simple, and kind of just says f*&ck yea! These guys are going to help us move! Haha, I know l, not what you might expect from a Catholic group. Here are some examples of our promo videos: https://youtu.be/GNl1bILYLqg
As we come into our final hours of phase one and begin phase two, we are interested in seeing the following design: a flame with the world or a cross inside it. If you can only do one, prioritize the world image over the cross. To give you a sense of what we like, here are our top features: -#2’s flame -#5’s “evangelical Catholic” (for those working in upper/lower, we like evangelical all lower case) -#7’s “train run win”
Please be sure to watch the following videos before doing this to get a sense for who we are. Remember to keep it simple. We would also be interested in seeing new designs based on gut instincts after watching the promos.
sorry, man. The rankings change too frequently. I'm giving you their numbers: -#53’s flame -#13’s “evangelical Catholic” (for those working in upper/lower, we like evangelical all lower case) -#96’s “train run win”
Could you try your hand on a concept that features Jesus going after the lost sheep as seen in Luke 15? Also, if you could avoid this concept being cheesy, we would be very interested.
Dear CH, sorry for the delay.. I prefer to try to the concept of race (runners) as said in Cor 9:24-27. So I added another runner and at the same time, it represents the move concept. Please feel free to comment or ask.
The running men are too busy. That, along with the lack of religious imagery, and that I don't like the shape of this running man makes this one a no go. Maybe try another concept of reaching out to the world.
Feel free to try your hand at any concept including, Jesus leaving the 99 to go after the one lost sheep (Luke 15), Train Run Win (but with religious symbology, 2 Corinthians 9:24), World on fire (Luke 12:49), or anything else that you can come up with.
Remember, we have 2 non-negotiables - 1. We want some form of religious imagery 2. We want the logo to stand alone without text.
I like the concept of the cross with motion and the flat ui but not sure about this one. Could you work up 3-4 other versions of this? Try and keep it as simple as possible.