Thankyou, here are the ideas behind the designs :
#54 > building abstract image in perspective to represent the lofts, made from the initial letters E from "Emerson"
#11 > building abstract image in to represent the lofts, made from the initial letters E from "Emerson"
#56 > 3 stacking letter L (from Lofts) forming an abstract building image, reason to choose 3 L's is to make the image also can be read as E from "emerson"
#57 > initial L and E combined in a shape that can also represent an abstract image of lofts building
i hope you can got the idea behind the designs, i want to make the designs have meaning, not only a letterform which is too generic to be an identity.
please feel free to ask is you need to see other change/variations.
Thankyou :)