Hi, #24 is a wordmark in the same spirit as Inbox Detox, even so far as including the arrow image. Since the business is about success, I used an upward arrow in the U cutting out the E. The negative space (white space) around the horizontal bars in the E makes the shape of a ladder, further reinforcing the concept of reaching one's dreams. Thanks for your consideration.
Very innovative, and thanks for your explanation. It is one of my top contenders. It does show upward mobility, the only thing I feel is missing is some "energy" or forward motion, but I'm at a loss to suggest what could be different. Nice job.
Hi, thanks for your feedback. #69 is an angled version of my first draft, to give the shape more forward motion, but keep the integrity of the arrow and ladder. #70 is a new design, still playing on an arrow.
Hi Lindsay, intersting work! I don't think the angled one will sync well with the other Inbox Detox logo, so the upright one is still better. I need to think about the other - interesting concept.
Helpful hint - Any future submissions should have the blue and green colors of my attached InboxDetox mark, with perhaps a bit of yellow, and also use that font, or a font that will sync with the InboxDetox word mark...
#92 is per your request for a change in colors. I'll work on the same design with a font that's closer to the Inbox Detox logo, but by chance do you know what font was used?
Some advice for you as you begin to make your final decision:
1. A quick read on what makes a good logo: http://www.davidairey.com/what-makes-a-good-logo/ 2. To make sure your logo is truly unique to represent your brand effectively , a little research into logos in your industry is always advisable. You can do a google image search for terms like "success logo" or "personal growth logo" to see what other businesses are already using. "Overused logos" is another good phrase to search as well.