The Community of HealingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Community of Healing

The Community of Healing has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 134 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.






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I like number four because of its simplicity, although I can't see how it can be a medallion. Perhaps it could e better as a more recognisable world in the middle. I actually prefer the type style used in the fifth choice from the oher guy, although I don't care for his concept.

I like no 2 because it is a more recognisable world, although for some reason the style of the humans seems incongruent with the map. Maybe it could be as simple as making the map silver and another colour? Or maybe the world need to be a little smaller? Important to remember the world is being held.

Entry no 3: feels medical. Not so human. Not inviting.

4: can you try the hands coming from the same body, cupping the earth? Can you use the globe rather than the matrix effect?

Thank you very much!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I am trying to follow your requests...
as far as the medallion is concerned there are a lot of ways to connect the pieces... we do a lot of jewelry in our promotion business ... it could be raised from a disk OR smaller connector lines can be done to make it look like it is floating.

Will work on this more - fun concept from a design standpoint.

My opinion is that the actual continents make it more busy and with the latitude longitude lines it is implied that it is the earth.
12 years ago
Hi and thanks for the revisions!

I like 36 the best. The change of the world works for me. I am wondering -

1. can you if instead of joining hand that the people embrace each other - ie extend the reach of one to include the there. This may dispense with the detail of the hands altogether.

Id be interested in feed back from you too!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I can try but not sure how to interpret what you are asking for.... let me know if this works.
12 years ago
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