Here are my ideas for your consideration... half smile into a box with braces, that suggests the track of a star (related to your placement in holliwood)
Hi Sebastian, Thank you very much for your designs, we like the direction you are taking. We like entry #3 the best with the idea of the track of the shooting star being a smile. It might be nice to see the star larger and more stylized and colors that are a little more vibrant. (We like the color combo, just brighter to relay more "fun").
You are the first entry and we are excited to see more!!!
Hi Sebastain, I added some comments to the main page, not sure if I am supposed to do it there or be going back and forth directly with you, I am new to this :).
But I really appreciate the quick turnaround and the changes you made. I like the larger star and the gradation of blue you added to #5. I would like the green to be more lime and less olive, but I am also open to other contemporary color schemes that you suggest. Maybe make the words " Braces Place" a little larger. Or even make the graphic larger and place "the Braces Place" within it.
Sebastian, Loving the different options! Let me try and give some specifics about our favorite options: #5 - still like the best because we would like the graphic alone to be identifible even without the words, but someone said it looks like a hippo/whale opening its mouth.Can we make the angle of the smile more horizontal and the star slightly larger - or whatever you think that could help it look less like a whale :) #28 - We like the extra style you added to the star but a local competator has a round logo that looks similar #22-Like how you flipped the image - maybe more horizontal with the smile and have it under the words a little
Also, please be creative with the color, we like the blue/green but would love to see some other interesting and contemporary color combos.
Hi Sebastian, Not sure what happened but the wedsite closed out when I was ranking them and then all your logos disappeared. Not sure if it is something I pressed, but we really liked the one where the braces were under the words (can't remember which number it was) and we were hoping we could see that with the braces going towards the words so it flows from the braces to the word braces. Hope you can upload those again!!
Thank you very much for all your hard work and looking forward to seeing more!
Great!! Those are the ones. For #45 and #48 Could we see the blue shape as a square with slightly rounded corners and just the top set of braces to make it look a little cleaner. We also loved seeing some of the color variations. Thanks again!
I am liking the square shape in #57. Could you change #48 to that shape as well. Thanks for the comment about perspective on the braces..that makes sense. Can you remove the lower row of braces and make the smile curve a little greater (like the smile is a little happier). I like the color combos, but cannot decided on which I like best. Maybe we can tweak the look first then work on some of the colors.
Sebastian, #88 is getting awesome reviews from the office!! Pros: Love the way the lettering of "The Braces Place" is situated with the logo, it give it very nice balance. Also love the shading of the blue. Possible Improvements: Can you add the Doctors names (Dr. Bob Garrison - Dr. Dan Pennella) underneath the words "Braces Place". Can you make try to add some lime green to make it a little more colorful - like in the star or the doctors name. (but keep the blue the same because it looks great).
Can't wait to see it, the evolution of this concept is great!
#102 is darn near perfect. Very good job with this logo, we are thrilled!! The only thing we would like to see is the shade of green - I asked for lime and you gave me lime, but I guess I really wanted more of an apple or neon type green (Kinda like the color in the MSword file that I attached at the start of the contest - but maybe not quite as bright). Also, if we can make the braces grey instead of the green.