Thank you for your time and effort. Although, it is not what we had in mind, it connects with the genre and opened our minds to a new direction. We would love to see some new samples from you in this direction!
Thank you very much for your time and effort. We are really interested in seeing another version of #34 being a circular based design with the same colours as it is right now (not with the square outline anymore just a circle). The circle just to cover the A at the top and oul below the A. We are very excited to see this!
Thank you for your new entires! We like #59, could you please submit a version without the blue background. Could you also do a version without the blue background, remove the lines, and have the A in the circle be the first letter in the group name and then have zoulay come out to the to the right of it. Have the word Group in the center directly below Azoulay. We also wanted to inform you that we increased the prize, we appreciate the time that you put into our design and really looking for the best possible design.
#81 - We like it! Can you please change swirly lines to match the colour of the circle (platinum). Please change the font to match #79. Can you have smaller spaces in Group and center it under Azoulay.
We really really love your designs. It is still high on our list, however we are evolving into a new direction, less royalty more modern minimalistic design! We would love to see what else you have in store for us.