Great design! Can you play with the colors some? Maybe make the Avera Bolder & in the blue color of the circle & play with orange somewhere? You can see the orange color on our website Thanks!
We're are really leaning towards this type of design- the initials on the left and the name on the right. Can you work with the initials in the design of 74. We like the vertical line and left justified font. Maybe use the square here... Thanks again for you hard work!
Initials in lowercase, Name in uppercase. Can you do this in both types of designs 70/72/73 and 74/94? Not sure that the bold works for the first letters of the name- we like Avera being in a bigger font like in 94. Great job!
Unfortunately, the lower case letters didn't work for us- but thank you for doing them! Would you mind trying just the upper case A without the G in the circle next to both the left justified and centered? I think we are getting close! And we really do appreciate all your work!
We really like the single capital A, but not sure of the font you chose. We'd rather have a more basic A (at least with the horizontal line attached). Can you change that in 148 & make Avera bold and play with some different blue colors? We haven't ruled on the square though. Can you change 73 & 72 so it's just the A in the square? Hope you're having a good day- thanks again!
Sorry for the delays! We are picking 189 as the winner! We just want to make sure that we can get the logo in a couple of different formats from you after we pick the winner (like the A on its own for smaller print items and the design in black in white for some printing). Is this possible?