Thanks again for your helpful feedback. I've used the blue/grey in the icon for the tagline. I like it! But honestly, I don't see any way to integrate black into this design... I feel like this one could be a winner though :) -Greg (davebowman)
yes I really like the grey/blue color of the door. Are you able to use some of that color in the writing please and a tiny pop of black some where in the logo?
Thanks again for your helpful feedback! I really like this blue/grey version... it's very soothing to look at. Let me know what you think -Greg (davebowman)
yes please.
I was really looking for a black and white image, but really love your design of the door and road. In grey scale it looked a bit washed out. Perhaps bolder blacks and whites. Your design is perfect in terms of being professional and reassuring. Interested in your ideas about making it a little more exclusive looking. I am also open to any other suggestions you might have, as your ideas are very clever.
thank you for the greyscale option. You concept of the door and road is by far my favourite so far. Originally I wanted to go black and white, would it be possible for you to play with some more contrasting to sharpen the image, and give me a few variations in word set out and font?
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I was really looking for a black and white image, but really love your design of the door and road. In grey scale it looked a bit washed out. Perhaps bolder blacks and whites. Your design is perfect in terms of being professional and reassuring. Interested in your ideas about making it a little more exclusive looking. I am also open to any other suggestions you might have, as your ideas are very clever.