Textbook FriendLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Textbook Friend

Textbook Friend has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 213 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.










Prefers others.


Prefers others.


I thought that these logos looked very clean but could use more work on conveying the marketplace aspect for students. I liked the approach/visual appeal though.
10 years ago
I like the font but could you try some new icons. Maybe a more 3d book but still looking modern. Also like I said earlier could you try to convey the marketplace. Love the simplicity however.
10 years ago
on entry 40, how about make the two semi-circles arrows? It would be good if we could see that tried out. Also perhaps change the color scheme, I think some other colors may be better. Finally, I don't like the font/style of the actual writing of "textbook friend" in this font, but if you can change it that would be good. I think this logo could turn into something good if played around with though.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for feedback
just update entry #45
10 years ago
I like entry 45. Could you try some different color combinations. We want it to also look decent with a darkish background. I think the icon can be slanted a bit backward. Also try reversing it so that its open on the left side. Also could you try some other ideas of having books being exchanged. Also I don't like the x in Textbook. Thanks for the update.
10 years ago
Also I am more of a fan of the old font in your earlier entries.
10 years ago
Hello, we have to make our top 5 choice tomorrow. We really like your ideas but they are missing something to be in our top 5. Could you please submit some new designs in the next 10 hours so that we can give you another chance to get into the top 5. Thanks again.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for chance
I will try

10 years ago
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