This looks great. I have a few additional adjustments please.
Please put a space between the L and E separating the two words REAL ESTATE on this design. Please use color HEX: #8dd0bd for REAL ESTATE and use color HEX #2c5154 for the state of Texas line art and for "Texas West"
Also, for the words "Texas West", please use a widely available typeface similar to cormorant garamond, but not that specific font. If the current type is not cormorant garamond, let's keep it and what is the name?
For words "Real Estate" please use font similar to Montserrat-regular, but not the exact same. I'd like REAL ESTATE more legible, but not making the logo any larger, so slightly bolding it may help. Just make sure it isn't larger in size than Texas West.
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Please put a space between the L and E separating the two words REAL ESTATE on this design. Please use color HEX: #8dd0bd for REAL ESTATE and use color HEX #2c5154 for the state of Texas line art and for "Texas West"
Also, for the words "Texas West", please use a widely available typeface similar to cormorant garamond, but not that specific font. If the current type is not cormorant garamond, let's keep it and what is the name?
For words "Real Estate" please use font similar to Montserrat-regular, but not the exact same. I'd like REAL ESTATE more legible, but not making the logo any larger, so slightly bolding it may help. Just make sure it isn't larger in size than Texas West.
Thank you so much! Great work so far!