TerrascapesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Terrascapes

Terrascapes has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 111 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.






Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
simple readable and the feel of outdoors! feedback and ranking appreciated

(This comment references Entry #11)
15 years ago
I like the color scheme with the blue, yes please go with the outdoorsy feel. Thanks
15 years ago
Logo Designer
A cleaner font and simpler leaf adding more of a 'scape'. thanks for feedback.

(This comment references Entry #13)
15 years ago
on #13, try to incorporate the leaf into the top of the "T", I don't really care for the hill in the background...leave it white or transparent background. Thank you
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hope this is what you requested.

(This comment references Entry #18)
15 years ago
Thank you for adding the leaf but after looking at it i think it just looks like a lot of other companies logos with the leaf/s in the logo ... I need something that will grab more attention than just the normal landscape logo

#18 and 13: font is too Euro stylish, not feeling the brown line through the bottom half.... maybe try a different concept...
15 years ago
I think I need something with less colors, I like the green and brown, don't worry about adding grass in particular but think of the name itself and design something for that. Also i need someway for it to stand out on a dark green truck.. maybe enclose it or something

Thanks for the art
15 years ago
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