TechnoGeek Learning RallyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / TechnoGeek Learning Rally

TechnoGeek Learning Rally has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 43 designs from 5 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


I like that this one has a camera in it, since that is a lot of what we teach. It needs more color however, and maybe a picasa-logo like shutter?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
please explain because I do not understand what you mean, if I need to revise please express
I would be very happy to do it
12 years ago
Donadell - TechnoRV here. I think Chris is refering to the center circle (the lens of the camera). If it could be more like the Picasa logo ( that would be good as they teach a number of Picasa classes (it's a software program from Google to manage and edit photos).

For me, it doesn't quite work yet. Maybe more 3D with the lens sticking out a little, that might make it look a littme more camera like. An then perhaps enhance the wheels to look more like off road tires might help, maybe with a fun exhaust pipe? Just some ideas.
12 years ago
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