Could we please see #76 with the pieces of the house in blues and grays....with "the power of 4" in ROYAL BLUE? Same for #77 actually. We'd just like to see what that looks like. Thanks!
Thank you so much for your entry. We appreciate your changes. I was wondering if you could make the follwoing so I could see it. On the color one #76 make the orange to gray, make the green the light blue, make the current blue black and the current red a gold color. Make the Team Excellence the blue color that you use and then the Power of 4 have some sort of glow or stand out. Thank you very much!
Sublime...Awesome! Could you please "try" to turn the word "The" in a vertical postion (like some of the other logos on our contest) so we can just SEE what that looks like? We kind of like the "difference" of that in the logos. Thank you so much....
On LOGO #127, could you please give us 2 versions showing "team excellence" a little larger.... one with team excellence in LOWER CASE LETTERS and one with team excellence a little larger and in UPPER CASE LETTERS
Sublime....Last request (I think)....Could you do #138 with "team excellence" on the bottom and in lower case. "Power of 4" on Top, and "The" going vertical to the left of "Power of 4" you have it now.
Sublime is the WINNER! We thank ALL of you for your entries and are so impressed.
Sublime, we have a favor to ask...and we're not sure if we can do this...So, just let us know. We like your entries #142 and #147. What we would like to see is a combination of those two logos...before we decide.
We'd like to see a version with the "of" in 142 just a little smaller....and placing the house on the TOP in the same size as in $147.
Also, pushing "teamexcellence" together with one word bolded and not the other.
As soon as we see that version, we will make a decision almost instantly. Can this be done?
Thank you SO MUCH for entering the contest and for giving us the winning logo. We thought we wanted a round logo, but we didn't know until we saw YOUR logo for us!!!
thank you so much! one thing from the previous request...can you push team excellence together and bold one of the words? we like that look, like in #124 or 142.....thanks!