Revotype....We LOVE this! Could you also reverse wording and show The Power of 4 in the larger print with Team Excellence where The Power of 4 currently is? We'd just like to SEE what that looks like. Awesome job...this is capturing exactly what we want to convey!
Revotype....These are all awesome. We like #27. I am waiting to hear from all 4 team members to see which one they NOW like the best....but you've got it goin' on! These are ALL great!
Well....I've gotten another THUMBS UP on Logo #27. So, I have emailed the next partner for her opinion....Should have an answer tomorrow....but we REALLY like this one!!!
We love the WORDING part of #27 AND #51. Very unique!! Could you present THIS to us with another symbol of some sort? I love the symbol, but my partners think it is too busy. Thanks so much!
Hi Paul and the rest of the team, i trying to do my best trying to simplify the symbol, honestly i like offering a design with more original feeling than generic probably i can arrive to something in the middle, you know ubuntu logo is what we call generic but i feel you deserve something more original but at the same time easy to remember and fast recognizable, i am really looking forward to please everyone on the team, also i really appreciate your guide during all the contest, i added 3 more symbol variations i hope you like them, i will keep trying with more graphic solutions based on the same concept, thank you.