#2 is best from this designer but I don't like the heaviness, blocky font. I decided that I don't like the grey color, the blue is not quite bright enough. Think blueprint blue. The image is ok but too thick, and maybe some sweep effect so it looks sleeker. Thank you!
Hi, thanks for the feedback. I came up with these 2 new entries:
#16 - T and A combination with a swoosh. #17 - T and A combination and also looking a fitter that is been turning around. I don't know if fitter is the correct term, but it's that tool to create circles with :)
#16 is better of the new ones. The term is "compass", but it is outdated, as they are rarely used anymore, which is why I like #16. Do you have a more artsy font for Taylor? The 2 words can have different fonts, I like the one for Architecture, just not for Taylor. Blue color is much better. Thank you so much!