Taylor AcresLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Taylor Acres Taylor Acres has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 178 designs from 26 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by slab04 Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. 1st 1 Withdrawn 10th Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 3 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 4 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Comment Activity Taylor8669 commented on #178 Withdrawn If I wanted to get this one too, how would I get you the $100. 4 years ago slab04 commented on #177 Withdrawn Please check design #178 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #177 Withdrawn Can you make the letters in tap a little bolder like the ta in 152? I’d like to see less space between the letters in tap and maybe making them bolder will help. Thanks for working with me on this. Your logos are still the front runners and I dont see anyone moving you out of first. 4 years ago slab04 commented on #174 Withdrawn #177 Orange color is the same as entry #152 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #174 Withdrawn Can you do this but use same orange and dark gray as 152? And make Taylor Acres dark gray and Pickleball orange like 152 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #167 Withdrawn I'm thinking that the letters need to be tap instead of the p inside the ta. Not sure what I'm envisioning, but it might be good for people to be able to make out the tap when they see it. 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #152 I'm wondering if the ta portion could be revised to have tap instead. That way, the top portion of the logo would have all the letters (tap) representing Taylor Acres Pickleball? I love the way the ta looks with the pickleball in it. Can you try to do something that changes the ta to tap and still keep a similar look? This is still the logo that I have in first place ... and nothing else is even close right now. Great job! 4 years ago slab04 commented on #148 Withdrawn Please check this entry #152 #153 #154 #155 #156 Thank you 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #148 Withdrawn I think this is the color of burnt orange that I really like. Let's do this one but switch the colors on the letters ... make the Taylor Acres the dark grayish color and the word Pickleball the burnt orange color. Can you also do this with the ta on the left and the Taylor Acres and Pickleball to the right. Maybe do Pickleball with a line before and after ... ---- Pickleball ---- ... but not dashes ... solid lines. Not sure I want the ta on the side, but I'd like to see what it will look like. Thanks for working with me on a lot of variations. I really like this logo and I want to make it work if possible. 4 years ago slab04 commented on #119 Withdrawn Please check entry#147 & #148 Thank you. 4 years ago slab04 commented on #99 Withdrawn Please check entry #147 Thank you. 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #119 Withdrawn I'm sure I've confused you ... very sorry about that. What I'd like to see is this logo (119) but replace the orange with the same orange used in 92. Then do another using the orange in 99. That's what I meant to request on my notes on 92 and 99. Please disregard those notes. 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #92 Withdrawn Ooops. I meant to ask you to use this one to make the word Pickleball the same orange as the ta. Sorry. Maybe so them both? 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #99 Withdrawn Can you do this one but make the word Pickleball the same orange that you used in the ta? This one will then move to first place. 4 years ago slab04 commented on #121 Withdrawn Hi. Please check new updated colour. Thank you. 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #121 Withdrawn For this one and #119, I have them in a tie for first right now. Can I see what they both look like if we use other colors instead of burnt orange? Maybe use a red, then try a blue, then try a green? Keep the ta and the Taylor Acres the same as it is now. Thanks! 4 years ago slab04 commented on #103 Withdrawn Hi. Please check out my revised design. 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #103 Withdrawn Can you do this logo with all orange at the top (making the pickleball orange)? And can you do this logo just like it is now, except use orange on the word Pickleball? I'm really liking this logo. 4 years ago slab04 commented on #93 Withdrawn Please check design #103. #104 Lighter gray color 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #99 Withdrawn Can you do this one but use the orange that you used in #93 instead of the orange currently used in this one? 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #93 Withdrawn Can you do this one using the font color that you used in #99 for the Taylor Acres Pickleball words? 4 years ago slab04 commented on #93 Withdrawn Hi. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I have uploaded the revised design according to your request. Please check it. 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #93 Withdrawn I think burnt orange is RGB of 204,85,0 Can you try that? Also as an option, maybe have the text in dark gray and the inside of the ta being dark gray. Leave the ta as burnt orange. 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #87 Withdrawn I don't think this is burnt orange either. This one is too dark. Look at the orange that is used by the University of Texas Longhorns. 4 years ago Taylor8669 commented on #15 Withdrawn Can you change the orange to more of a burnt orange? This one is a little too orange. Thanks! 4 years ago