#3 by Artistic -- I like the font but way too boring. I don't like the straight lines above and below -- looks like a pleading caption.
#4 by Artistic -- I again applaud the effort to use a hatchet, but it looks odd and one really has to take a second look to figure out the design and what it represents.
#5 - #8 by Artistic. I really like the font (says "lawyerly") and the color scheme. But I like this blue and old gold combination (by high school was black and old gold, so I am sentimental as well here).
I do like the idea of having a "TH" symbol of some sort by the name. I do want "TaxHatchet" to be one word, not split like in #5. #8 "TH" is creative but confusing; looks more like an odd looking "H" than a "TH". I do like the gold border around the "TH" in #8, with the white in between the blue. Of the four, I like #6 "TH" the best; but the "H" bleeds into the gold half, so that the upper left of the "H" appears to be cut off. I would like to see a "TH" that is a combination of #6 and #8; where the pattern of the "TH" looks like #6 but with the border and color scheme of #8. I don't care for the pattern for the "TH" in #7. I would like to see, instead of having a "TH" in the box, what it would look like to have a classy looking "hatchet" (trying blue on gold and vice versa). See the "TH," I'm not going to insist on an actual "hatchet" but I would like to see if this person could use the same font and color scheme while using a "hatchet" in place of the "TH".
thank you for the extensive feedback. It is really important for me in order to develop the logo exactly to your expectations. Please continue to provide me with as much feedback and requests as possible.
On #17, I would like to see how having half blue - half gold in the logo field (on each side of the hatchet) would look (though I am inclined to think it won't work, I am curious).
I would like to see if #3 would do a more formal looking example - using the more traditional font and a more definitive hatchet blade around the text.