I really like this design (#36). I would like to see a couple of changes in the lettering:
1. Solutions is smaller than I'd like it. I don't know that it should be as large as the Tate Actuarial part, but it is part of the name, so I'd like to see it bigger. Also, in the end I'd like to see the middle of the S's at the beginning and end of SOLUTIONS directly under the middle of the T and L from Tate Actuarial. I can tell that this is because of the way the software placed the letters with the Tate Actuarial and Solutions lines exactly the same length, but I think it would look better with the letters lined up better. But this is not something you need to do now if, necessarily. You could do this near the end if I see more designs from you and pick a favorite.
2. Some different colors for Solutions might be good too. Green, gold, even blue. I like the gray, but I'd like to see anything else you think looks good. But if you don't think it looks good, don't bother. I am frequently wrong when I ask to see something different.
I definitely liked #46 better than #36 because of how Solutions lined up. To me, the first S in Solutions needs to move a little to the left to be centered under the T. The second S is perfect.
#46 appears to be identical to #74, except Solutions is lined up differently, so I put #46 in the N/I category. Let me know if they're not identical and I'll rank #46 somewhere