This falls into "Comments and requests that you post later that are your own original ideas are acceptable for Designers to use" - Denzu did not create this until I gave direction to do a graphic in the A. I am really sorry about this - I will get it straightened out but wanted to provide this addtional info since I cant see the forum and dont think I can get help until business hours tomorrow. Thx.
Hi - these are the stated rules see the last line about if the idea mine as the client: "We require that you do not ask one Designer to use elements or concepts from another Designer. The general rule is that, if a Designer was the first to submit the idea, they essentially own that concept or idea for the remainder of the contest. Requests or ideas you already have put in your contest Brief are fair game and open to everyone. Comments and requests that you post later that are your own original ideas are acceptable for Designers to use"
I sent a message to Denzu too. Just to be clear - it was not his concept. you both came to it independently when I provided direction to try the graphic in the A - it was my idea I wanted to see graphics incorporated in the A. I am really sorry but I don't not believe there was any violation of the stated rules.
I can't see the forum - is that for designers only? Can u provide any info? I sent a message to Help and gave them the facts (however they seem to only operate during business hours so I probably will not hear back until tomorrow.)
I asked to see a concept with the bottle in the A because it was my idea. Also after you submitted it a few others came up with it on their own with no comment from me, so I do not see the problem?
Designer ,,denzu,, could put me on a logo court and I`m risking to be expelled from the contest.
Here`s the part of the regulation:
,,If you make a design or make a concept and another designer shows you clearly that you copied their design (or the design of another legal entity), you are obligated to remove the design. You must remove regardless of whether you knew of the previous design or not. You must respect your fellow designer,,
Yes, but as I mentioned, the bottle in A is another designer`s concept and by the LogoTournament regulations I have to withdraw all my entries no matter if you suggested me to do the same. So it is a big problem now. Do you have any suggestions how we could deal with this situation ? Thanks.
Hi, I have a problem with other designer ,,denzu,, because a bottle in a letter A is his concept and you asked me to do the similar proposal. In cases like this, I should withdraw all my versions of his idea. I`d like your comment on this before I withdraw designs with bottle in A.
Hi! Love this with the change to make the bottle green. Agree with you the black font give better contrast with the olive, but I think we want to keep with dark grey to match the common vines logo. while I like the olive, I think we may need something brighter so can you try the emerald (like the link I sent you?). Thx for making the changes - love it - think it looks great and is great with our Common Vines logo!
also for the green - i think this shade is too blue. Looking for a vibrant emerald (jewel tone) or deep rich olive (not a brown olive more green olive). Thx!
Like this a lot! Can you try different color on this same exact design - the letter "a" in the same color don't as the rest of the letters and make the bottle the pop of green (instead of white). Thx so much!!
hi thx! Can you make the letters the darker grey like common vines and then leave just the S pop of green? I see that you tried to make the S more angular prob to move away from dollar sign - but I think I like the smoother curves better.
hi thanks like this font better! But I like the deeper green better. Also for the font - would you look at - this is the temp site of our retail shop and the font we are trying to match. Could you try with all caps. And also want to make sure the S doesn't look like a dollar sign as it gets bigger - thx so much!
Hi - sorry I didnt realize those fonts were different - they are very similar. I like the colors in the 2 I ranked best. can you try a font like steelfish ?
also i like this green, but think I like the original a little more? do youthink you could try for a rich olive green too so I could see that option (rich olive like a wine bottle - but want to keep more green than brown)
? Thx!!
Hi I like the way you incorporated the bottle. Can we see some different green variation - like the deep olive? and maybe a deeper grey. I like Taste in one color as you have it - but would also be curious to see an option where we make the green pop - so like maybe a dark grey/slate background, white letters and then the S bottle in the emerald or deep olive. Thx so much!!
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Here`s the part of the regulation:
,,If you make a design or make a concept and another designer shows you clearly that you copied their design (or the design of another legal entity), you are obligated to remove the design. You must remove regardless of whether you knew of the previous design or not. You must respect your fellow designer,,
? Thx!!