Amazing work on #62. we were wandering if you could try to go further with it? maybe have FOAM come off the top of barrel? maybe have a beer tap on top of the barrel? we need some tiny thing to make this great! but stick to the simplicity of your logo!
Thank you for your feedback. In the way trying to accommodate your ideas, I found that the beer tap can be look like a cow head as well. So, I think it may good for you to see as look here in my newest entry. I'll be back with some other entries as soon as possible after this. Thank you - ian
Can you try to paint EVERY OTHER LINE on the barrel black? and also the TOP of the barrel? on #62. we're not sure about the new entries... but still think 62 is amazing!
Here are my newest works submitted. Thanks before for your next review. Anyway, incorporate the beer taps to the design is still being my homework. I hope at the end I can find the best way to finish it.
Thanks for your new designs. We like the dark added to the barrel but instead of making them so thick is it possible to do every other in black? So it's black, white, black, white in the same thickness? We would like to see how that would look. So far so good though !
I really like number 132. Could you try making the beer glass a little taller? I feel like it looks a little short. Additionally could you try a deco font? Overall I really like this one and think it has a lot of potential, would just like to see what else you can do with it.
Thank you. Since your contest has been in judging mode now, I think I have no way to submit my other work now, except you place my work in #1st rank. - ian