first of all excuse me for my raw english, I'll try my best to explaine my concept.
Everyone has his philosophy, and the mine is very minimal. With my experience, also in psichology, today I'm sure that the people can remember a simple image better than a complicated image.
You sell a global service of course, I've understand it, but for me is not good to put in one logo a lot of concepts. I've worked about female beauty, changing colours of the skin, good hair cutting and, over all, an expression of relaxation.
People every day are bombarded by advertising, logotipes, auditory messages, big and little input for the eyes and the mind... so they have to filter and their mind does that remembering only direct and cleany messages.
So, I'm very sorry but I'm not able to do what you asked about my logo, because of I love it for his simpleness.
Have a lot of fortune and business with your salon, and thank you for your time.