I like where you're going with this; however, one question, what are those things suppose to be that go around the circle? My suggestion would be to have it either more with refined lines, as it looks that that's the look you're going for. Or, you can probably see what like squiggellies look like. (pardon me for not spelling that word right.)
Also, would you be able to make the "T" extend past the curve of the "R"? I just want to see what it looks like.
I was going for a stylized sun. Sure I can make any modifications that you need.
I've actually done logos for two tanning business in my area that have done extremely well. The most recent one seems to open a new location every time you turn around.
I was thinking about an idea; what if you added like a star inside the circle. The reason why I say that is cuz it feels like it needs something on the left side of the logo, cuz of the empty space.
Also, would you be able to play around with the color around the circle, I'll call that the sun. If it can go from like yellow to red, or something like that? I just want it to pop a little more.
Now, here's a question for you: Suppose you liked to tan, if you saw a cap with your logo, would YOU buy it?
It's not a trick question, just asking. Let me know if you see any changes we need to make. If not, I'd like to hear your feed back on that question I posed to you.
That is a hard question. Typically it is very hard for a business to sell advertising based products. My wife does sell a lot of products to restaurants with their logos but the big difference is that they are either very famous places (Hog's Breath Saloon or Sloppy Joe's) or some of the other places mostly because of the tourist destination.
One of the tanning salons I did a logo for has merchandise but I think the majority of it gets used as giveaways at events they sponsor. They had a nice website for a while but the new one isn't the best. But I also did a lot of the graphics inside the salons. I think he is planning on 200+ locations, Zoom Tan.