I like the font that you used and I like how you placed it. I'm not too crazy about the actual image you chose; it reminds me of like a sticker that I'd see on a package for chicken or a farming product. I was thinking, what if you used, instead of a "landscapel", what if you use the silhouette of a woman? But not as if it's a strip joint; you know, with class.
i love what you did! Now it doesn't look like a farming sticker. Can you see what it would look like if you added some color? and it doesn't have to all be color; I don't know what it's called when some times I see photo's and they"ll be all sepia, but then "something" is colored. Do you know what I mean?
I like both colors a lot, I can't make up my mind which one I like best. But would you be able to remove the color of the sand? And just leave it in that sepia color? Especially the maroon one, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that one was, "oh, why is she lying down on a pool of blood"?
In entry #15, I honestly don't like it. It doesn't do anything for me. The first thing that popped into my head was,'oh, it's a cheesy logo for a topless bar' (no offence) please don't take it personal.
Let me give you a rhetorical question: If you enjoyed going to a tanning salon to get your tan, and you saw a shirt or a cap with this logo you showed me, would YOU purchase it for yourself? for your boy friend/girl friend?