Hello, #40 I really like this- like the two different colors, like the 2 different fonts and really like what you did with my "l". Also like the blades on either side of "photography".
The font is too "childish" and needs to be more classic and elegant. The flower is wrong, too. I love daisies and yellow daisies, a bold blue flower isn't quite the right fit. Also maybe "Tammy" could be a gray or softer, more muted color. The flower should really be the bold "pop" of color. Thanks so much for trying!
Does this fit with your concept? Or what could I have developed from this design?
please answer as much detail as possible, for example about the font, color, proportion design or other things that you think will make your design better.
Really like #41. Love the gerber daisy on my "l". Gerber daisies are my favorite. What if "Tammy" was more in a soft brown or gray? "Photography" needs to be a bit darker, not much, but just a little more to make it stand out a bit. The font is way better, too. This looks great, thank you!
sorry before, i have withdraw my entries that use an flower to change the " L " ( included that get 2nd rank from u ) because another designers (id : beingjustcreative ) has send a private message to me. tell me that i have copy her concept, i dont see it because when i check your contest.. her designs has been eliminated before so i can see another designs from another designers :(
so to respect the previous designer concept. i decide to withdraw my designs .. ( even it was my original concept )
and here i have send some new concept Sista.. with same flowers but i have change the position. here i have use the flower to change the " T " at the end of your name :) ( entry #44, #45, #46 )
hope u can understand my situations :) any feedback would be great Sista..
Hello again! Bummer that you had to take away the other designs! I am not in love with the flower on the "t", but still love the gerber daisy. The colors are still not right. I pulled some logos that I like the colors on (the colors, not the design). I want it soft but at the same time have some ability to stand out on my website and marketing materials! I hope these websites help. I really like the Armatico one with the greens. Lime greens, grass greens, I love all the vibrant green colors. So maybe something more monochromatic with the pop of color in the flower only? I am open to suggestions! http://sarahchristinephotography.com/ http://acromatico.com/ http://www.esphoto.org
Love the "y" with the flower and the leaf. Love my first name in the green. Much better! Can we lower the flower on the stem? Any other color suggestions you would have would be awesome too. We are getting there!
#68, #69, #70, #71 and # 72 here i have send some optional designs Sista.. i use all first name " tammy " in green and also i have make the flower more closer to the stem... and i have make many color options here.. so u can chose which one best :)
Okay "sista", thanks for all the work you are putting into this. This is what I want... Lets try an actual white daisy, with a yellow center as the flower, not the yellow. My name is a bright, vibrant green (like grass or citrus) and "photography" is in the gray. You may have to outline the white petals on the daisy to make it stand out???
You have been so responsive and doing a lot of work on this. I genuinely thank you. T
#86 Can we have my full name in the green? Then "photography" in the darker gray (what is currently used on my last name). As for the flower, I like the white, but want it to be more of an actual daisy then a gerber daisy. It also may need to be outlined in black to make it pop. Cool? T