I selected you as the winner can you work on the logo now please? Look at www.hiregrads.com for our other site. I like the following font 'Collegiate Heavy Font" with maybe a graduation cap over the C in our name and the e much smaller than the rest of our name like eCOLLEGEFAIR http://www.fontspace.com/category/college
Ok, I will choose you later today when the contest ends. perhaps you can start giving thought to designs. I have changed the description of the contest if you wish to review
Logotournament told us to just cancel the contest, but we would like to simply select you as the winner for this contest, but have you design a new logo
We are looking to end this contest because the domain name fell through. If we pick you, will you design a logo for another company we have? ecollegefair.com
Can you lose the star above the I and make the semi-circle you have go all the way around instead and to look like a chat bubble. You can remove the chat bubble in the O of jobs
Thanks for the rankings. I submit some alternative concepts please check, the latest logo I uploaded. if you want a revision or anything else please feel free to contact me, via a private message on my profile.
Comment Activity
is there a revision again? if yes, i will fix it soon, thanks
Please check out my latest logo, thanks
Thanks for the rankings. I submit some alternative concepts please check, the latest logo I uploaded. if you want a revision or anything else please feel free to contact me, via a private message on my profile.
Please check my entry logo, thanks