TalkBass.comLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / has selected their winning logo design. For $500 they received 202 designs from 43 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by grafixsphere Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #120 Withdrawn New #119 Withdrawn New #118 Withdrawn New #117 Withdrawn Prefers others. #11 Discussion grafixsphere Logo Designer logo 1(This comment references Entry #11) 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer logo 2simply a bass clef symbol with a head to represent a person (This comment references Entry #117) 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer logo 3(This comment references Entry #118) 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer logo 4a bass clef symbol with a head to represent a person holding a bow while playing the double bass instrument(This comment references Entry #119) 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer logo 5(This comment references Entry #120) 15 years ago